What would happen if, on this night, Trump pardoned Manafort, Gates, Cohen, Flynn, Kushner, Papodopolous, Trump Jr and himself?

And no, at the Federal level, you do NOT need to be convicted in order to be pardoned. In fact, you don't even need to be charged.

Case in point, Ford pardoned Nixon of all possible charges related to the Watergate cover-up without any charges having been levied against him.

Not sure that would work.
Burdick v. United States, 236 US 79 (1915),[1] was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that:

A pardoned person must introduce the pardon into court proceedings, otherwise the pardon must be disregarded by the court.
To do this, the pardoned person must accept the pardon. If a pardon is rejected, it can't be forced upon its subject.

So if a pardon MUST be introduced into court proceedings and you are saying that no charges have been filed then there would be no court proceedings in which to enter the pardon.

A full pardon provides absolution; it ends and/or preempts any punishment for an act… Pardons are only for guilty people; accepting one is an admission of guilt. In 1915, the Supreme Court wrote in Burdick v. United States that a pardon "carries an imputation of guilt; acceptance a confession of it."

Accepting a pardon also removes your right to plead the 5th under questioning.

Impeachment proceedings would start in January and Trump would new out of office by Spring.

Noticed w.r. Door is still making up lies.

They would all be pardoned.

You realize how retarded you sound right? Cohen was found guilty on tax charges. Had zero to do with the campaign or Trump. Manafort, Flynn, and Papdolous same. Nothing to do with the Trump campaign. Trump Jr, Trump and Kushner have been cleared.

One might hope that the Republicans in the House and Senate would take exception to that kind of behavior, and realize what a horrifying liability they allowed to take their White House.

I don't think he is willing to pardon Cohen, who decided to lie about Trump in exchange for less jail time. That was what Cohen meant when he repeatedly said he would "do whatever is best" for his family.

Personally, I think Trump should go ahead with pardons for Papadopoulos and Flynn. He should commute the sentences for Manafort and maybe Gates. Papadopoulos and Flynn were caught in perjury traps while Manafort and Gates really did commit the tax violations of which they are accused. However, ALL of them are only being targeted as part of the Deep State's effort to unseat Trump.

Regarding Trump, Jr. And Kushner I doubt they will be prosecuted. Realize Chelsea Clinton wrote a check of $10,000,000 for her NYC condo and the money was illegally taken from donations to the Clinton Foundation. Her husband was complicit in the fraud. If Mueller tries to go after Trump's son + son-in-law then other investigators can go after the Clintons' daughter + son-in-law. I would prefer for the rule of law to prevail and for the theft of the $10M to be investigated anyway but that might be naive of me to expect.

Yes, Ford did pardon Nixon of whatever crimes he may have committed in an infamously controversial move that would come to be known as the "corrupt bargain". Additionally, you typically don't preemptively pardon people who courts aren't likely to find guilty. If Trump were to pardon all these people of any crimes committed by them, he would be immediately impeached, since as Gerald Ford himself also said about the Nixon case, "An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history," and the house is controlled by the Democratic party, who would be none too happy to see such flagrant abuse of power. He could even be found guilty in the senate, because as much as the Republican party wants to stick together, a move that shows that the president was concerned enough with getting convicted to preemptively pardon himself along with all his besties wouldn't sit too well with a lot of them, and all you need is a 2/3 majority to convict.