What happened clementine ford's twitter account?
Did she finally get banned
It appears much of her misandry has been removed.
- Wouldn't Joanna dehenny be the type of person who would say #KillAllMen for fun which twitter to offend men for a laugh? Then again. She did kill 4 men for fun and then laughed about it and started singing in the police station when caught. Isn't this what all the feminists that say #KillAllMen and #AllMenAreTrash on twitter to annoy men wish they could be like. CleMENtine ford must be proud
- Why is it that Trump supporters are calling Dr. Ford a liar when they were not there and don't know what happened? Many victims of sexual assault are so traumatized that they don't tell anyone for decades. And why would she come forward before he was nominated for the SC? There was no reason to.
- Gender Studies: What was the actual point of the #KillAllMen twitter trend by feminists a few years back? Good ol clementine ford and he hatred for men huh? What did the whole twitter trend achieve other than making feminism look like what it is often labelled as. Man hating? If you don't want feminism to be looked at as hating men, then wouldn't feminists avoid doing amd saying such things?
- Made my first car payment but money wasn't taken out of my checking account? I'm really confused as to why because when I called the ford (I have a fusion) credit card number they said the money was credited to my account for this month s payment and yet my capital one checking account doesn't have the money taken from it yet. Why would this be? I'm getting a little nervous