What are some pros and cons of the ford expidition?
What are some pros and cons of the ford expidition? - 1
Pros: It can carry the defensive line of the Green Bay Packers. Cons: It drinks gas like there's no tomorrow.
Its a ford is the con and there's no pro lol get a blazer
Hi one downside it is a FORD so not meant to last for ever.
If you have kids, you'll love the fact that they're not in your ear as you drive. There's plenty of space, and the truck (as big as it is) is also very easy to drive. I had a 2003 XLT, and it gave me no major problems in 13 yrs - just the usual maintenance issues every vehicle has. Very quiet ride. Bulbs are easy to change out. On the other hand, if you take pride in cleaning the truck yourself, prepare to spend a few hours doing it - and don't forget the roof. It guzzles gas! Tires are expensive. Rear A/C motor will go out well before you have any issues with the front.
- Why are the racist cons so racist they have problems with Dr. Fords claims just because she can't remember some of the nitty-gritty details? Such the month or the year that the incident happened! And big whoop she doesn't remember how she got there! What matters is that was she is saying feels right my fellow good liberals! Cenk Uygur the Snarkster coming at you racist cons!
- Why are the racist cons so racist they have problems with Dr. Fords claims just because she can't remember some of the nitty-gritty details? - 1 Such as the month or the year that the incident happened! And big whoop she doesn't remember how she got there! What matters is that what she is saying feels right my fellow good liberals! Cenk Uygur the Snarkster coming at you racist cons!
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- Need help weighing the pros and cons of what kind of camper van to buy? So I plan on moving down to Nashville and living in a van in the very near future. I'm on the fence between 2. The first option is a 1988 Ford e350 diesel dually ambulance that has been fully converted. Running water, inverter, heat, ac. Pretty much everything in an rv besides a toilet. My second option is getting a cargo van and converting it or just getting one of those conversion Van's. I'm just not sure what my best bet is.