Trump threatens SNL but why should he be the ONLY President who isn't made fun of?

Ever since Dan Aykroyd made fun of Jimmy Carter and Chevy Chase made fun of Gerald Ford, SNL has a long running gag about the current president.
So, what makes Trump different?
What makes Trump exempt?
What makes Trump so "Holy" and self sacred that he can't stand being made fun of?

Perhaps the nonstop volume of it.

Donald Trump reaps what he sows.

Take a close look at how SNL "skewered" Obama vs how they go at Trump.

With Obama, it was almost like Marines mimicking a puppy the commandant's grandmother noticed.

Their "humor" re: Trump is reminiscent of imperial Japanese soldiers plowing Korean comfort women then laughing as they cut those women's legs off.

Because he is a sensitive snowflake.

Only the liberal press would skew an offhand comment by Trump and call it a threat. LOL
We know the mental handicap they suffer from since the rancid pantsuit was soiled. LOL


Because you stupid idiot. Libs go way too far.

He can't laugh at himself because he knows he's a worthless piece of dung, and there's just nothing funny about that.

SNL isn't even funny. He could simply ignore them but too thin skinned.

False disagreement only equals threats according to liberal logic back in reality it's OK to disagree without being a POS wracist