What are your thoughts on this quote?

"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently."

- Henry Ford

Yes, and in THIS society around the planet, that means there's a new beginning every day, no matter how intelligent one is.

When learn our lessons well, those lessons.remain with us.~ And, this goes for

all*. Not a select few.to know, this fact.is true, intelligence. We all learn on this earth.

every day of our lives.each, in their own ways.and, rightly.so.~*

He must be right.


With someone elses money maybe

I think that sounds just about right Sharon.

I think it odd coming from someone whose intelligence was well known to be pretty well limited.

Learn from your mistakes and don't give up.

It means that we make mistakes and learn from them. It reminds me of a quote that somewhat said that a person who repeats the same mistake twice is a fool.

Henry Ford was slave driving, piece of ****

We learn from our mistakes. No one wants to make the same mistake twice. So You know what not to do next time. This gives You more incentive to succeed this time.