Can a rookie officer ask his department if he can drive an suv unit?

Hi. I'm 5'9" and 253 lbs. I'm trying to be a cop when i graduate. The problem is that when i took a ride of the ford taurus, it was too small and tight inside. I know that the ford police interceptor is based on the taurus so i'm really worried that. Can a newly hired officer ask them if he can drive an suv instead of a sedan if they have suv units?

The first amendment allows you to ask for anything you want. Department policies will dictate their response.

Can you ask? Sure.

Will they do what you ask? Nope

If you are not able to perform your duty (drive a patrol vehicle) then good chance you will not make it

Lose some weight tubby


it is based on SENIORITY

You can ask anything you want. However, your vehicle assignment will be based on department needs, not on your physical condition.

Some departments assign vehicles, some pick by seniority. Your best recourse will be to avoid the problem by working on your weight.

You sound way too heavy to pass the qualifications and you might have trouble getting thru the physical tests during the application process you have to pass before even being considered for police Academy

Look up ' BMI ' for your height / weight. You are " obese ". You'll need to lose at least 60 pounds!

I'm 5' 10' and 225 lbs. I drive a Taurus. If you think it is too small, your size isn't the problem. The reason you won't be able to ask is you won't get passed the psych evaluation.

If you can't manage to perform your duties, including driving whatever you are assigned to drive, then you will not be hired.

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