Ssdi and child support?

So I understand that ssi can't have child support collected from it and that ssdi can because it's considered income based on your work credits, etc. But I have adult child ssdi because I was disabled since 12 and my father was disabled after working at ford for 13 years. My ssdi payments are based on HIS social security number and work history. Since my payments are not based on MY taxes and non existent work credits, can child support be garnished from my payments?

You need to support the child you help create. But push for a court-ordered DNA paternity test to prove you are the father before any money is garnished.

Yes. ANY type of social security benefit can be garnished including DAC (disabled adult child) benefits. The type of social security benefit isn't the determining factor. Only SSI can't be garnished.

You don't get adult child SSDI - only the worker gets SSDI. You get DAC benefits on the account of a person who happens to be collecting SSDI. DAC benefits could also be paid to you if your father was getting social security retirement benefits or he dies and then you would get DAC survivor benefits.

The REASON why SS benefits can be garnished isn't because someone worked and paid into the program. They can be garnished simply because they are an income other than welfare. ANY type of income from any agency in the US other than welfare can be garnished