Since Flake, Collins and Murkowski all condemned Trump for mocking Ford, does that mean they will vote no to confirm Kavanaugh?
Since Flake, Collins and Murkowski all condemned Trump for mocking Ford, does that mean they will vote no to confirm Kavanaugh?
Trump. He is a low class con man fraud.
No, it means you don't have your facts straight. LOL
Always remember that conservatives lie.
I don't think it'll influence them on their vote. There are still some adults out there that can separate personal beliefs and politics unlike President Deplorable.
It could, but we have seen multiple times many on the right, bash Trump while still voting for what they think is best.
Let's hope.
Nope. They can criticize Trump but still vote for his confirmation.
I hope they don't let their feelings about Trump influence their opinion about Kavanaugh's qualifications.
We will soon find out.
- Since Connecticut ruled that they could sue Remington arms over a mass shooting done with a rifle the built, does that mean? That I can sue ford because the guy that rear ended me at the stop light was driving one? He was texting while driving is why he hit me, can I also sue his cell phone maker, and plan provider?
- Does Brett Kavanaugh's win mean Ford now is a liar? And since most men elected, have dirty secrets, should this have been relevant? Sorry, not a political person, kindly fill in what you think I need to know rather than call me names.