Should Trump have Melania give Blasey Ford the Hillary schmear treatment?
Should Trump have Melania give Blasey Ford the Hillary schmear treatment?
No need. She provided no credible collaborating evidence.
I really don't care, do you?
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- Should the repubs hire Hillary to give Ford that special Hillary treatment? She know how to handle these things. I would never really do that to anyone. This is just a comment on how this will be handled differently.
- If Trump and Pence both resign could President Pelosi appoint Hillary to the vice-presidency with Senate approval? Keep in mind President Nixon appointed Gerald Ford to the vice-presidency. Later President Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller to the vice-presidency!
- Ford Prepares for Mass Layoffs After Losing $1B to Trump's Tariffs. Is Trump purposely doing this because Obama saved the auto industry? Or is Donald Trump really this incompetent?
- Can Rob Ford really get clean with only a 30 day treatment program? With the extent of his addiction, it doesn't sound like enough time. He will never be rid of the addiction. There's always a chance that he falls off the wagon.