Should Dr. Ford be allowed to fondle Trump's manboobs for revenge against Kavanaugh?
Should Dr. Ford be allowed to fondle Trump's manboobs for revenge against Kavanaugh?
No one wants to do that, only Trump wants that done to himself. But he has to pay women to do it.
She's going to grab his 52" wide azz and hang on for dear life
Does the thought of it turn you on?
Why in the world would she want to touch any part of that doughy mass that passes for Trump's "body?"
No one wants to touch Donnie after the details in Stormy's book came out. Rubio was right about the hand thing. According to Sormy, there's a "small" problem. No wonder Melaniia is so sad looking.
Trump would be afraid she would cut them off.
Trump enjoys being used as a woman.
Liberals are perverts
- What's with all those death threats against Kavanaugh and Ford? Are they coming from Russian trolls? I like to believe that Americans are better than that. Well, both parties are CLAIMING they're getting them.
- Kavanaugh has a legal background AND is being prepared by top notch lawyers for Monday's interview. Ford has no chance against? Them even if she tells the truth. Is she right to insist on an FBI investigation to support her claims? The SC can do with only 8 justices for a while.
- Do you think there's a possibility that Kavanaugh couldn't get it up for Ford and now she is getting her revenge? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned He could've been too drunk to remember the entire incident.