What's with all those death threats against Kavanaugh and Ford? Are they coming from Russian trolls?

I like to believe that Americans are better than that.

Added (1). Well, both parties are CLAIMING they're getting them.

I haven't seen any of them.

I don't just accept the word of strangers at face value.

I've noticed that people of every politcal opinion will allege they get death threats whenever they want sympathy.

There are no death threats against him unless its coming from his own party for mucking this thing up.

Democrats are Russian trolls? Wow!

Imaginary Russian trolls?

Death threats are unacceptable.

Americans aren't much better than Russians, when it come to social rights or education. So I wouldn't be TOO optimistic, champ. The major difference between the two is that Russia legalised jailing opposition and punishing sexual 'deviants' (such as gays).

Lots of Americans would do the same. And the current pres wouldn't mind being a dictator, similar to Putin. The constitution is really the only buffer the US has.

Really? Are you not familiar with ANTIFA or any of the other violent Left Wing groups?

I haven't heard of any against Kavanaugh, but Ford had been harassed and threatened since she went public