Petrol pump for ford puma 1600 valve 1.4 engine T reg.1999year?
Petrol pump for ford puma 1600 valve 1.4 engine T reg.1999year? - 1
- Would a Ford Puma be a good first car? So I really know nothing about cars, but is the Ford Puma a good car? For instance, with insurance, reliability, driving experience, fuel consumption, ect.
- Where is the starter motor on a 1.7 ford puma? My puma is just making a click when I try and turn it on. It has had a new battery in the last couple of weeks and it has been doing this for 2 days. First it would click a couple of times then start now it is just clicking so I believe its the starter motor. I want to check the connections before I buy a new one but don't know where it is?
- What is the fuel consumption of the 1976 Ford Cortina 1600 GL? Just wanted to know what the fuel consumption is of the Ford Cortina 1600 GL (1976-1980), or any similar model with similar specs. Also, are there any common problems that a possible buyer should be aware of? Any other interesting/relevant info regarding the car would be great too.
- On my 2000 ford mustang why does my air pump (smog pump) only blow air for 5 seconds after start up? Is that normal? I have p0411 secondary air injection system insufficient flow detected. I've checked the hose that comes out from the pump, it's blowing air but I believe it should blow air for much longer than 5 seconds on start up.