In England, the South is more richy Conservative than up North but why?

Does the UK really want to be a gentrified wealth-divided boring gentrified version of the rich Rockefellers and Fords and Kennedys and Fords of America living in Devonshire and the South

Don't the north communities and Midlands want to find common resources to get more a solidified cultural voice in England and change the direction of the UK into that eclectic underground more artistic poetic hopelessly romantic British vibe like the 1960s?

Isn't this wealth divide turning the UK into another failed USA sort of? What's missing is the UK down to earth established cohesive communities like you had decades ago where trends are born, new inventions are made,
new tools,
new songs,
New genres,
New concepts,
New hobbies
O f
r e t s eh cnaM

How Would You Rank All The Presidents Since FDR?

My list would be

Franklin Roosevelt
Dwight Eisenhower
Harry Truman
John F. Kennedy
Jimmy Carter
Lyndon Johnson
Barack Obama
Bill Clinton
Gerald Ford
George Hhomework Bush
Ronald Reagan
Donald Trump
George W. Bush
Richard Nixon

Would it be right to say the US won the Vietnam War but South Vietnam lost?

Since our mission was to keep the stalemate between North Vietnam and South Vietnam with only preventing the North from taking over the South. We accomplished that under Nixon with the Paris Peace Accords. South Vietnam lost after we left the democrats took over the House and Senate majority and voted to cut funding to the South, and drive Nixon out of office. After this North Vietnam violated the Paris Peace Accords and at this time the democrats blocked Ford from sending any possible assistance to the South. Which resulted in a North Vietnam victory.

Regardless of how many republicans voted to cut funding the democrats had the House and Senate at the time. I just hate it how liberals blame the US military for losing as if our military was not strong enough.