Would it be right to say the US won the Vietnam War but South Vietnam lost?
Since our mission was to keep the stalemate between North Vietnam and South Vietnam with only preventing the North from taking over the South. We accomplished that under Nixon with the Paris Peace Accords. South Vietnam lost after we left the democrats took over the House and Senate majority and voted to cut funding to the South, and drive Nixon out of office. After this North Vietnam violated the Paris Peace Accords and at this time the democrats blocked Ford from sending any possible assistance to the South. Which resulted in a North Vietnam victory.
Regardless of how many republicans voted to cut funding the democrats had the House and Senate at the time. I just hate it how liberals blame the US military for losing as if our military was not strong enough.
Not at all - we got our butts kicked in Vietnam.
No. The USA won the war by clobbering then North Vietnam Army during the Tet offensive. It was over. Then the USA snatch defeat out of the mouth of victory and gave up, pulled out and that gave NV time to rebuild and re-attack.
NO is is not right.
The USA withdrew. It did not win. South Vietnam lost. The war started long before the USA showed up.
The final exit was not very pleasant for those left behind.
Our Mission was to prevent the communist north from taking over the whole country.
We failed.
Depends on your perspective, obviously. What do you think the US was trying to accomplish? What do you think the US actually accomplished? From what I have heard, read, and been taught, the US was in the war to stop stop the spread of international communism and the Vietnamese wanted to be independent from foreign rule. We were treating it like a new front of the Cold War, to the Vietnamese it was a war over colonialism. The US supported the (oppressive, dictatorial, nominally democratic) regime in South Vietnam, the USSR supported the northern regime. The North Vietnamese were unable to take over South Vietnam against the massive resources of the US military until it eventually withdrew and "ended" the war. The US successfully propped up the autocratic southern regime until its withdrawal, but in the process broke itself into bitterly antagonistic factions that continue to this very day (as you can clearly see in some of the other answers, cheers). So; did the US accomplish its goals of preventing a communist takeover of southern Vietnam? Technically, yes; when the US withdrew from the conflict, the southern regime remained just as dictatorial and non-communist as ever… Until immediately after the withdrawal of US troops when the economy tried to dig through the mantle and North Vietnam took over anyway. Did the US "win"? Well… Maybe. South Vietnam very clearly lost, but the rest is hard to determine. Its goals were technically accomplished when the war "ended", but it was effectively forced to withdraw by internal strife and an ever-stronger anti-war movement no matter what the treaty it signed said, and the North Vietnamese weren t stopping despite their losses in the Tet offensive; I strongly suspect they would have continued fighting for however long it took if the treaty hadn t been signed, the treaty just gave everyone an easy way out. Meanwhile we re still dealing with the political divisions the war caused, and I certainly don't see them getting any weaker. So now you have to decide what a "win" is. Does "ending" the war with its goals intact constitute a win if we re just fighting ourselves instead and subsequently abandon South Vietnam so completely that its economy becomes the leading expert in the geology of the core and its government shatters? Is it a "win" to have supported an oppressive regime, the antithesis of the American ideal of government, for years? Is it a win to have kept out an oppressive regime, the antithesis of the American ideal of government, for years? I'm very heavily biased, as you can probably guess; I don't think the price we re paying for the war was worth it, and I think the US was in the wrong the second it made the war about communism instead of colonialism, but you can make up your own mind.
If American soldiers were in S Vietnam to stop the North & the communists from taking it over, then the US lost. And we lost big time. A rag tag country with 1/10th of our population, and a very small economy fought the most powerful country on earth to a standstill for 10+ years. In the end, the American people lost heart & pulled their troops out.
If this is how wars are won, let's hope we don't win too many more this way.
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