Open brake line on 57 Ford F100?

I recently bought a 57 Ford to fix up, I'm new to the restoration game and have run into some fixes that I've never come across in the past. I was trying to replace the hydraulic brake light switch and accidentally removed the switch and the housing that connects it to
The brake system. Air obviously got into the lines so the brakes are useless at this point. Should I just bleed the lines individually to fix it or is a different process necessary at this point. I'm aware of my mistake so please refrain from any rude comments, but any help would be appreciated!

Hydraulic brakes are the same no matter how old the vehicle. Just reconnect the brake lines and bleed them an you should be fine.

Watch a youtube on bleeding brakes. It isn't all that hard to do.

You have the right answer/s
What I would suggest is finding a good source or vintage parts.
Back when I still had vintage Fords I used Dennis Carpenter Ford ( There are others and the best place to find them is Hemmings Motor News (
Also find a good Ford truck forum. For several reasons one of which is help on how to fix the truck right and secondly sometimes you can find good buys on obsolete parts there.

Just a little tip… A decent parts source for older vehicles like that is J.C Whitney out of Chicago… They even have a pretty big catalog for free… Google them