Now it looks like Kavanaugh wasn't even AT the party that Ford is claiming he assaulted her at. Will Feinstein apologize?
Apparently she was 15 and so drunk she didn't know who it was.
And your source is?
No, it doesn't. He SAYS he wasn't at that party. Strange that he would remember which party he was NOT at.
It was his body double from the future. PS: I always remember which parties I didn't go to.
Brett will be another win for The Donald
What it looks like is Kavanaugh trying to cover his but. He knows a criminal's normal defense is "Deny, deny, deny."
I think it's okay if we begin calling him Justice Kavanaugh, don't you.
I mean, it's not like he's going down behind this ambush.
Oh and you figured this out all by yourself? He's a dirty leg with no morals. Another insecure small man that has to take what he wants. If he is innocent I will confirm him myself with my blessing. But he still lied several times to the Congress and the fact Trump appointed him because he don't think a President should face criminal charges is enough to ban him from this job. He also wanted Bill Clinton prosecuted. But now changes his mind.
She hedged on rather she knew for sure to the Times this past week.
- Why did Trump say of Dr. Ford: I thought her testimony was very compelling, looks like a very fine woman and was a very credible witness? I thought her testimony was very compelling, and she looks like a very fine woman to me. A very fine woman. It was incredible. It was an incredible moment, I think, in the history of our country. But certainly she was a very credible witness. She was very good in many respects.
- Why did Ford first claim she was assaulted in her late teens.then change it to her early teams in the summer of 82? Why did Ford first claim she was assaulted in her late teens. Then change it to her early teams in the summer of 82?
- Party of women took a woman who wanted annonymity and outed her, now her life is ruined. All fine if they get their political wish? Pretending they give a flying fug about Christine Ford is a level of hypocrisy that is unmatched in modern history. Its 100 percent polictics and too f'ing bad for her.
- Does anyone actually believe a stud like Kavanaugh would even party with an ugly duckling like Christine Ford? He probably didn't even realize she even existed. Probably walked right past her in the hallways.