First time buyer- purchasing a ford mustang its automatic 150,000 miles year is 2000 v6 engine, for 3200 dollars- is this good?

What should I look for?


Google Kelly blue book or other car value site.

is it from a reputable dealer WITH a warranty? Maybe pay that much, if a private person offer 2,200 - 2,400

Nope. Mustangs are actually the worst car that you could buy used. Excluding the classic Mustangs of the 60's and early 70's of course

Looks for values in Kelley Blue Book. Input all of the information on the vehicle and look at average retail price.

Check Kellys Blue Book for pricing

Make sure YOUR mechanic checks it out first.

It's old and worn out. Expect frequent repairs because it is old and worn out. When you buy a car that old, you're buying someone else's problem child.

It's awful. An 18 year old Mustang will have been beaten to death. Even more so for the V6 where the driver has to keep the engine working hard to get any performance. And it's been doing that for 150,000 miles.
Why, oh why do people buy automatic Mustangs?

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