Kavanaugh - Was the Leak intentional by dem leaders to achieve the desired circus it did?
With BOTH, Ford and Kavanough as the PAWNS!
It most certainly was… Ford had 35 years to go to the police, but instead ran to the DNC. Whom could offer her absolutely no help at all.Can't remember the DNC having the power to arrest anyone… Ever!
Wonder what's in it for her… Money, ideology… Whatever her motivation is, it clearly isn't justice.
Well, given the evidence at hand, If Feinstein had an ethical bone in her body, she would resign from the senate immediately. What she did to Dr. Ford was reprehensible. She is an embarrassment to the human race. Putting the blame for the leak on a member of congress is bad enough, but then blaming Dr Ford for the leak. Saying that Feinstein's denial doesn't stand the smell test is an understatement. Her lies are more like a group of very angry skunks.
Kavanaugh tried to look cool and failed miserably on National television. He made himself look guilty. He lied continually and didn't seem to care that everyone knew he was lying under oath.
Kavanaugh was cocky and had an air of entitlement mentioned beer in every sentence. Doctor Ford appeared intelligent, calm and soft-spoken. She looked everyone in the face while Kavanaugh made faces, looked away, and had a nervous twitch. He distracted, went off topic, and refused to answer the questions. He flat out refused to take a polygraph and he certainly didn't want an FBI investigation.
If this man is the best representation of the Republican party then this country is doomed.
Here's a hint… Ford herself said she never intended to actually come forward… Instead, she hoped her letter to Feinstein would encourage her to sway the committee against Kavanaugh…
… She later said the only reason she finally came forward was because the media was hounding her at her home and workplace… In other words, she was basically bullied to come forward…
. Check out the California media outlets who were among the ones "hounding" Ford… I'm guessing at least one of them is on record as endorsing Feinstein for Senate… If not showing a long history of being in her pocket…
Somebody's been hitting the sauce a little early today?
No doubt. The democrats needed a weapon to use against Kavanaugh and so they went with false sexual assault allegations knowing that such accusations would cripple a man from getting the job.
If the nominee was a woman they likely wouldn't have pulled out much of anything because whatever they would pull would be seen as sexist and hating women, but of course the western world thinks men are vermin by default and women never lie, so naturally it only makes sense to lie about men in order to block them from getting a job.
If people think sexism against men isn't prevalent in the west then they haven't been paying attention to the feminist movement, saw sexist articles on liberal news sources like New York Times, Salon, Vox, and Huffpost, visited a website where people are talking about men, or paid a bit of attention to the #MeToo movement. Yeah, this whole thing is about his sex/gender and the social permissions liberals have to target him and lie about him.
Watch Trump nominate a woman next and see how little liberals or democrats attack her. If you see not much of any attacks from liberals or democrats, well, I told ya so.
- My 2000 Ford Windstar has a coolant leak. What could be causing it to leak? It has two leaks. One is from the passenger side near the front tire and the second is right below the driver's seat. I have to replace the coolant after I have had the heater on for a bit. I never have it on for more than 15 min. Not because the coolant runs out in that time but I just don't use it for long. I took it to the mechanic and he stated it was the "lower intake manifold gasket". I'm asking if anyone has any other ideas because that repair is pretty pricey.
- If Judge Kavanaugh is innocent then why did Christine Ford talk about the assault to a therapist years ago before Kavanaugh was famous? If she was making it up wouldn't she have not brought it up until now? If she discussed it for years then doesn't that mean it is true?
- Has America now reached a point where they're fed up with dem nonsense in general? When it comes to Kavanaugh specifically, is Ford lying? Here's the facts that present day democrats/liberals/socialists decide Kavanaugh is guilty… Ford: Doesn't remember when. Doesn't remember where. Doesn't remember what house she was in. Doesn't remember how she got home. Yep… Per liberals / socialists, Kavanaugh is guilty. Serious? What makes a person's brain work that way?
- Did Feinstein or one dem on her committee woke up the average person who politically back stabbed Ford by leaking the letter to the press? Was that the straw that broke the camel's back showing how screwed up and how much the dems could give a $hit for the people?