Isn't it likely the reason Senator Dianne Feinstein sat on the information she got from Dr Ford instead of immediately turning it over to?

The Chairman of the Judicial Committee like she should have is that there wasn't much of a case and realized when the Judicial Committee had the information investigated they would likely find nothing instead by sitting on the information till the end it could help to get some of the RINO's to vote against confirmation

She didn't turn it over because it was confidential. That is why she didn't leak it either.

Senator Frankenfinestein's purpose for holding the letter from Ford is so she could "leak" it to the press at the last possible moment to disrupt, obstruct and delay the nomination process until after the mid term elections when the Socialist Democrats expect their "Blue Wave" to give them a majority in the Senate. It backfired on them, and now Kavanaugh has been sworn in and seated as an Associate Justice.

Her motive could be either she thought the Ford letter was so worthless, she didn't bother the committee with it, or she held it for a diabolical last ditch effort. The answer to that could be determined by finding out the etiology of events after Feinstein got the letter. Like, when did they first make contact with Ford and what was said. If it was worthless, then it would be a letter acknowledging that they received it. If it was an offer to furnish Ford lawyers, then Feinstein had a plan. Like did anyone put Ford up to writing the letter.


Dr. Ford REQUESTED anonymity for as long as possible. Feinstein honored that request. When reporters started showing up at Dr. Ford's college AND university office, remaining anonymous was impossible and pointless.

Accusing Feinstein if having ulterior motives is something only desperate loser cowards do.

Dr. Ford was NOT ON TRIAL on September 27. She is now on leave from her university. Her presence ON campus endangers EVERYONE. Dr. Ford KNEW this would happen.