Why didn't Dianne Feinstein hand over Dr. Ford's letter to the fbi after she received and read it?

Christine Ford is calling for an fbi investigation. You'd think she'd be smart enough to send that letter to the fbi, or at least ask Feinstein to do so.

Her entire plan was to obstruct.

Because they are the evil deep state hell bent on making Trump fail! Wait, that excuse doesn't work here. ***

Christine Ford got her 15 minutes. Time to go away. Get some more therapy.

She explained it. She said Ford requested she keep it confidential. Here is the letter. Ford does indeed ask it be kept confidential

Because she is playing politics where she left her mind. Late 70's USSR

She needed to leak it to the media at the right time… Namely after the hearings were over… And the dems failed at ruining Kavanaugh and they needed another "insurance policy"

Because that would have made it less effective as a tool to subvert Trump's nominee. You see, this wasn't really about Kavanaugh, it was about screwing over Trump no matter what the cost to the country.

Feinstein should be the one being investigated.

You people are disgusting drink the koolaid and lay in bed with Trump Putin and all the other perverts