Isn't it hilarious that TRUMP supporters of all people call Christine Ford a LIAR?
Isn't it hilarious that TRUMP supporters of all people call Christine Ford a LIAR?
Yes it is.
Laugh riot
Lie, falsehood, unsubstantiated claim, statement that is untrue, like they say a lie has been twice round the world before the truth has got its pants on
Yes that is rather comical
- Why is it that Trump supporters are calling Dr. Ford a liar when they were not there and don't know what happened? Many victims of sexual assault are so traumatized that they don't tell anyone for decades. And why would she come forward before he was nominated for the SC? There was no reason to.
- Is it typical of Trump supporters for them to call for the arrest and jailing of crime victims if they DARE to accuse their attackers? "Candace Owens attacked Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford on Wednesday, saying that she should be jailed."
- How did Christine Blasey Ford call a friend on a cellphone after the attack in 1982? Cellphones didn't debut for consumers until 1984. And they were large, unwieldy brick like devices costing around 4 thousand dollars
- How come people don't realize that Christine Blasey Ford is a liar? Nothing she ever claimed was actually proven and people believed her off nothing. Why should anything she said be taken seriously?