If Dems wanted an investigation why didn't they ask Ford any questions during the hearing? That was their opportunity to do so?
Seems like they are just using Dr. Ford to delay things and don't care about her at all
DiFi and Hirono MIGHT "care about" Dr. Ford, but the rest are players, opportunists, and losers who are more than happy to use Ford to score points with the low-info types, other losers, and their base back home.
IOW, there's absolutely nothing new to see here, sports fans, so please move along now.
This is all a game to delay confirmation. That's all this is
Why is voting today so important?
A real investigation would take time.
It is very clear that the GOP does not want a real investigation.
They want settings they can control.
All that praise they gave her and none of it sincere.
It was utterly transparent what the Democrats were up to and it wasn't giving the judge a fair shake. LOL
You must have seen a different hearing than the rest of the world, because we herd various Dems ask plenty o questions.
- Why are Cons complaining about Ford when they personally invited all of Clinton's no-evidence accusers to sit behind Hillary during? Their ginned up Benghazi hearings? … Or maybe that was their ginned up email accusations. … Sorry it was the debate. What a slimy good for nothing tactic by the GOP.
- Party of women took a woman who wanted annonymity and outed her, now her life is ruined. All fine if they get their political wish? Pretending they give a flying fug about Christine Ford is a level of hypocrisy that is unmatched in modern history. Its 100 percent polictics and too f'ing bad for her.
- Isn't it good the Meuller investigation will be halted maybe now Whittiker will get Hillary's investigation going? Let's get to the bottom of the 33,000 emails she deleted after a subpoena. Only fair they make it even and delete the Meuller files don't you agree? It's justice Secondly, a Dr Ford FBI investigation into lying about assault charges to screw Kavanaugh would be nice
- Does this describe the dems preferred FBI investigation path for the Ford claims? 1. FBI takes down Ford's statement word for word. 2. They have no way to investigate it as there are no details. 3. They prepare a report that has only her statement in an official fbi document. 4. Dems pretend the statement is proof and point out that all the evidence proves he did it. 5. Idiots don't see what just happened and think the fbi investigation proves he is guilty.