Does this describe the dems preferred FBI investigation path for the Ford claims?

1. FBI takes down Ford's statement word for word.

2. They have no way to investigate it as there are no details.

3. They prepare a report that has only her statement in an official fbi document.

4. Dems pretend the statement is proof and point out that all the evidence proves he did it.

5. Idiots don't see what just happened and think the fbi investigation proves he is guilty.

The FBI doesn't investigate juvenile accusations from 36 years ago. LOL

Just give up on the woman's vote right now and save you some headaches.

No, they open a case file and they interview witnesses; several people claim they know exactly the events Ford is referring to.

For an investigation to be warranted you have to have a credible allegation. Maybe 36 years ago, and not remembering where or who else was there's not going to cut it.

Yes. It does.

FBI denied the mob/mafia existed, even though evidence was everywhere.
There's no evidence or witnesses to this crime that never happened.

Honey, I'm a liberal Democrat -- and I know quite a few others who think as I do -- who does not think that an FBI "investigation" all these years later is at all realistic. And none of us is going to claim that he's guilty merely because she says so.

Please don't attribute to us things we have never said, It makes you look childish, petty, uninformed, and unsophisticated.

In other words, grow up, dear.

6. Meanwhile, try to delay the confirmation by shrieking, "We can't have somebody on the Supreme Court who's under investigation by the FBI!"

We can see how desperate trump is getting.