I have a 2002 Ford F1 50 the RPM gauge keeps dropping down to the vehicle stalls is that my fuel pump?

I have a 2002 Ford F1 50 the RPM gauge keeps dropping down to the vehicle stalls is that my fuel pump?

It could be the fuel pump or a clogged fuel filter or another part.

Could be weak fuel pressure from a bad pump or clogged filter but it could also be other issues like a dirty/faulty IACV or vacuum leaks, etc. Given the age of the truck, you might try changing the fuel filter if not done already or due and clean/test the IACV which is used by the PCM to controls idle speeds. Over time, the IACV… Idle Air Control Valve… Can get sooted up with carbon and not operate properly which can cause stalling, low rpm's or hard starts, etc. Check for any vacuum leaks and test fuel pressure if needed.

No. It can be a lot of different things. I'd start by cleaning the throttle body. Then have the idle air control motor inspected to see if it's working.