I have a 2000 Ford Windstar that won't start. When I turn the key all I hear is a clunk noise?

Battery good, starter good, cables good, fuel system good. No indication before hand that anything was going bad. One morning just went to start and NOTHING.

Can you give us more info?

Fuses and Relays fine, spark plugs/wires fine, battery fine, cables fine, starter fine, alternator fine, fuel system fine. Emergency gas shut-off check and fine.

If the vehicle has been overheated, it probably blew a head gasket which will allow coolant to seep into the cylinders after sitting overnight. Check your coolant level when the engine is cool. If it is low that may be the problem. To be sure, remove the spark plugs and crank the engine. If coolant blows out and the engine will now crank, that was the problem. If this is what happened, it will be expensive to fix!

It's your fuse box or possibly the spark plug