I don't care about Brett or Ford they're immature and annoying that is all every news station plays. Am I normal?

Brett cried on live tv like a little baby and Ford yelled too much like an angry jerk

By not caring that isn't the only that that ranks normality asking queztions like this make me questino how normal you really are

No, Ford was doing her little poor girl voice.

Ford didn't yell. That was Kavanaugh showing what he would be like on the Supreme Court.

Ford wasn't yelling. That was Kavanaugh. He screams like a girl.

The Russian troll arrives to bring clarity to everything.

You're exactly what's wrong with America.

Its a battle for what's right imo… We don't want our politics and govt to be run by lying drama bullsht with no evidence because its all 'emotional' . If they have real evidence to back up a claim thats a whole different ballgame, but they don't. Its just a cheap ploy to try to change a real nomination and vote. We can't let sleaze bucket get away with that.

They were both privileged children who are now wealthy privileged adults. When it's all said and done, they will remain as wealthy, privileged people. The hearing yesterday was a freaking circus. No senator should have been allowed to ask questions, lecture, or make what were clearly candidacy speeches. The questions should have been asked by two people who were experienced in investigating and questioning sexual abuse survivors and sexual abusers.

Ford was clearly lying about what the democrats scripted for her as she questioned her own sanity and had memory lapses.

Ford was an obvious liar and it showed.

Her act was so phony that a 2 year old could see through it

And that voice CRACKLE that she did the whole time was very very very Childish.

I imagine though that the Evil Slimy george soros paid her very well.