How air tight is Dr Christine Blasey Fords story?
She claims there were 6 party goers including herself at a house that none of them owned.
She can't remember how she got there and by what means she returned home.
She went upstairs and was pushed into a bedroom by Kavanaugh and Judge who as she said LOCKED the door behind them they pushed her on the bed and Kavanaugh with all his weight landed on her to the point that she couldn't move at all. He put his hand over her MOUTH and preceded to bump and grind her while trying to disrobe her from her ONE PIECE bathing suit as she laid on her back. She claimed he might accidentally suffocate her while only her mouth was covered. So what more of an effort would it have taken to cover her nose?
Judged jumped onto the bed and both he and Kavanaugh fell off even though Kavanaugh's weight was centered on her. In Olympic time she was able to run to the door, UNLOCK it and with such stealth ran across to the bathroom where she somehow closed the bathroom door and locked it. No mention of them following her to finish their deed. She then heard them ping ponging down the stairs while laughing at the top of their voices. She preceded to run down the stairs and straight out the door from. She say's the party was uneventful for the others, so how would she know that if they remained at the Party and she didn't. How does she know how the rest of the party played out?
How did she make it home from a House she was unable to identity
Added (1). @ BB, like Kananaugh's 10 year old daughter said "We should pray for the Lady"
Without belittling her we should give her mercy and leave her alone once this matter is resolved. I think this whole incident will melt away into her dreams. By all her degrees she seemed to be a professional student trying to stay in the world of Theory.
Added (2). @yogicskier, She has the most to say and will finally be questioned by the FBI at length.
You could drive a tractor trailer thru the holes in her accusations.
It's about as air tight as a bag with a huge hole in it.
If you don't believe her you're a racist misogynist disgusting White supremacist
That makes her story 100% air tight
At the hearing, she came across to me as being quite delusional. I believe that she is in serious need of professional treatment.
It doesn't matter if it's airtight or not. It should be investigated to get to the truth.
If Kavanaugh is innocent, he should welcome the FBI investigation. It could clear him.
If somebody made such a claim about me, I'd DEMAND an investigation.
But she is a lib and a woman so by that logic we must believe this farce.
I think something happened to her, but I think the few details she gave were filled in memories since none of them including her friend have a clue what she is talking about.
Her story has not been confirmed by anybody or by any evidence at all.
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