What's Christine Blasey Fords prime motivation for choosing now to speak out?

36 years is an awful long time to hold your peace.

i understand a woman would need time to get over such an ordeal but 36 years?

is it purely to stop Kavanaugh getting a highly prestigious job? Hes been vetted and taken many highly prestigous jobs before this 1 over the last 36 years

what's her prime motivation for the timing of her accusation?

Did Cosby's victims wait too long. How about the victims of the Catholic Church?


She has 100's of 1000'sof dollars sitting is different go fund me accounts.

of course the lions share will go to the leftists who recruited her in the 1st place.

i'm sure she was never a victim of Kavanaugh before, but i have witnessed her being victimized by the democrat party.

Exactly. She didn't even come forward about Kavanaugh during the George W Bush years or even in 2017 during the Me Too Sheep Bandwagoning. If it actually happened and she was so scared by it, she's had dozens of chances to try to destroy his life and career but spontaneously decides to do it now. Liberals are desperate and corrupt and acting like cry babies is their secret weapon and last resort to sabotage Republicans from making progress.

She had spoken of if many years before to her husband and doctor. She wrote the letter when he was nominated. Nobody had heard of him before that.

I was also assaulted in high school, but I was too embarrassed to tell anyone. If that guy (I have no idea where he is now) decided to run for office or something like that, I would bring it up as it is relevant to his character. It would be horribly embarrassing as of course cons would say I was lying and try to blame me. I do not remember every pertinent detail of that evening, but I remember every detail of the assault- it was traumatic nothing like that had ever happened to me before (or since).

She said that she became alarmed when she found out that Kavanaugh was about to become a Supreme Court Judge. She wanted to warn the Senate of what he did to her. And the negative impact that it had on her life. She said she felt a civic duty to warn about Kavanaugh's bad reputation with women. She isn't a Democrat but an independent.

I believe her and I feel there should be an FBI investigation because all Kavanaugh did today was lie about everything and brag about how great he was. The Republicans can pick someone else--someone honest and who doesn't hate women.

Today's nut job liberal resistance think nothing of lying under oath to keep a conservative off the Supreme Coury.

If these people will scream a Republican politician out of a restaurant while he is eating with his family why would anyone doubt they would lie to destroy Kavanaugh.

Over and over we have seen extremism throughout the Democrat party including senior elected Democrats

We shouldn't be surprised at anything from here on out

Thank you, Christine, for trying to save us all from having such a morally corrupt individual placed in the SC. Great sacrifice on your part, and very patriotic of you.