Have a ford 3.5 V6 turbo charged engine win turbo kicks in does white smoke come out of tail pipe?
Have a ford 3.5 V6 turbo charged engine win turbo kicks in does white smoke come out of tail pipe?
Try asking that again in understandable English. Did you mean to ask something like "I have a Ford 3.5 V6 turbo charged engine. When the turbo kicks in should white smoke come out of tail pipe?" If that is what you wanted to ask, the answer is no, not if everything is working properly.
White exhaust smoke is an indication their is coolant in the combustion chamber. Causes can be a crack in the cylinder head, a crack in the engine block, or blown head gasket.
See a mechanic and check for a blown head gasket.
Hi so you have a blown head gasket.
Not after the motor is up to operating temp
That engine has two turbos, and they are producing boost from as low as 1500 RPM. The engine is on-boost most of the time. I don't think the issue is with the turbos, but a blown head gasket would be my first thought.
Blown head gasket. Sorry.
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