Has Diane Feinstein cemented her position as the most disgusting and loathsome senator in US history for blatantly using Christine Ford?

How could it get any more reprehensible than that?

Did she make you cry?

Pelosi… Waters… Durbin… Schumer. They sure do try to take the dumbest senator award.

Democrats think being described as "disgusting and loathsome" is a compliment.

Well… OK… Teddy Kennedy killing a girl in his car and not calling the cops for like 8 hours probably wins.

Diane Feinstein acted 100% honorably, correctly, and legally every step of the way with the Dr. Ford Accusation. Her actions are above reproach. Every single thing she did was honest, ethical, and moral. She notified the correct people at the correct time. She did not lie, she did not overstep her power, she did not betray Dr. Ford's confidence. She is a great senator and a great human being.

You can whine and call her names and show all the hate you have for liberal women and that will not change the fact that she is 100x the person you are.

A face only a mother can love

It would be pretty hard for her to top Harry Reid.

If this is an honest inquiry you're pretending to make, or if you think you have a legitimate point to make, Hey, why are you posting anonymously just like every other troll?

All of these 80 year old women Congress persons are vile and disgusting and senile: Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Dianne Feinstein. They got their womens rights in the 1970s, why are they acting like that never happened?