Given that there's NO evidence that anything Ford said is true, do we still have to tiptoe around and pretend to believe she is a victim?

Given that there's NO evidence that anything Ford said is true, do we still have to tiptoe around and pretend to believe she is a victim?

Says people like you.

No evidence that what she has said is untrue, is there?

You don't have to do anything.

Well… OK… She might be. But as long as she's firing at him and all of us, it's fair to fire back. I'd totally let it drop if she did though.

I will believe her no matter what. Maybe you should should stop being a misogynist and start always believing women!

She needs to be arrested. #himtoo.

Have you heard the Crissy impersonation? Libs have tried to suppress it, but it is spot on. If you listen to it, YOU are a victim.

Libs will be milking this cow long after it's dead.

I know you find this hard to believe but testimony is evidence. She most certainly was more credible than Kavanaugh. Many people are in jail serving time based on testimony.