2011 Ford Fusion Wrench Light Turned on, Restarted the car and It Turned OFF? Does that mean Everything is OK?
2011 Ford Fusion Wrench Light Turned on, Restarted the car and It Turned OFF? Does that mean Everything is OK?
This is a common problem with Ford Fusion and it will continue to get worse if you don't get it fixed. The throttle body needs to be replaced and the computer updated. Ford has extended the warranty period for repair of this item. You should have received a letter in the mail. Take into your nearest Ford dealer and they will repair it for no charge.
Lets start with the owners manual and read what the light is for. It may not be a service engine light and it may be a light telling you it is time to change the oil. Read the book.
Still should take it to a mechanic and see if they can pull a historical diagnostic.
That's usually a sign of an intermittent fault.A wiring harness may have been loose and lost its connection for a moment then vibrated itself back into position, a sensor may be on its way out but not 100% faulty yet so the light just came on for a moment.Anytime the check engine light comes on(even if its only for 20 seconds)a code will normally get stored into the computer.Autozone will scan your car for free if you wanna see what sensor or component caused the light to come on, then go off. Its probably nothing to worry about if your car seems to be running fine.
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