Ford won't start. Full battery power. NO clicks when trying to start not even one. Could it be ignition switch, OR starter?

Ford won't start. Full battery power. NO clicks when trying to start not even one. Could it be ignition switch, OR starter?

Check the connections to the motor. Clean with WD40 are tighten. Change the starter relay. Cheap fix if it works.

Could be. Have you checked all your fuses? Some fords have an ignition/start relay fuse that can blow out.

Most commonly its corroded terminals on the batt… Clean them puppys up if you haven't.

Put the shift lever in neutral and try starting it.

Could be the neutral safety switch. Try again in neutral instead of park.

It would help if we knew model and year, but my money is on the security system. Sometimes it will make a blinker light click noise, bit not always. Check your owner's manual. Ford security is not a pushover like GM's Passlock is.