Ford Credit Late Payment?

Unfortunately I forgot about a Ford lease payment that was due the 24th of June. Considering I scheduled the payment after hours, the next available day isn't until the 3rd of July. Therefore my payment will be past due for 9 days. Will having the account past due for 9 days effect my credit score even if the payment is not 30 days late?

9 days is not enough for the late payment to be reported to the credit bureaus.

No entry in your credit file, no effect on your credit score. Ford can still charge you a late fee.

As long as it was paid way under 30 days, it will not be reported to the credit bureau. You'll probably be charged for 9 days of add'l interest though.

Payments that are less than 30 days late are not reported to the credit bureaus. You may be charged a late fee, but it won't show up on your credit report.