Will a ford C6 transmission off a ford 351 fit a ford 460?

Will a ford C6 transmission off a ford 351 fit a ford 460? - 1

It should fit fine, onlything you can't do is use the roung years, you have like a 15 year window in which you can find trannys that fit. Just on use a tanny of a small block and mate that to a big block, not only will it sread it but i probly won't fit.

Yes it should. I actually put a C6 on a 302, but I had to swap out the bell housings and place the C4 bell housing on the front pump bolts of the C6.

Ford made several 351 engines, the Windsor, Cleveland and Modified.
The 351 M (modified) uses the same bell housing as the 460.
The 351 Windsor and Cleveland's both use the "late Windsor" pattern which is different. At issue are a few engine/transmission set ups used about 1973.