How much would 80 miles a week cost on petrol?

How much would 80 miles a week cost on petrol? I have a 2004 ford focus 1.6 auto

Added (1). it around 30 to 33 miles/gallon. The petrol is about 98p per litre.

Need to know what the car's miles/gallon, or kilometers/liter is.
Once you know that (and we do not) and the price of petrol where you live (we also do not know that), the calculation is very simple.

What an idiot. We have no idea where you live in this big world and aren't clairvoyant so we can't divine the price of fuel in your area. So did you fail 4th grade or something? To get the answer, dfivide 80 by the average fuel economy (miles per gallon) of your car and multiply the result by the price of fuel.

80 miles at 30 miles/gallon = 2.67 gallons per week (computed by dividing 80/30)

2.67 gallons is about 10.11 liters (google conversion because I'm too lazy to look up the conversion factor an type it into my calculator).

10.11 liters at 98p/liter = $9.91 (9 pounds and 91 pence but I only have the US dollar symbol on my keyboard).

Bottom line: Figure about 10 British pounds per week for gas for your 80 miles of driving.