Ford fiesta lx 1.25 3dr 2003. Struggling uphill. Changed air filter, fuel filter, spark plugs, cleaned map sensor. Got better struggling again?

Ford fiesta lx 1.25 3dr 2003. Struggling uphill. Changed air filter, fuel filter, spark plugs, cleaned map sensor. Got better struggling again?

Sounds like fuel starvation or a faulty injector. Try some Red X injector cleaner with petrol and see if it gets better after a good run.

Could be several things, though I agree most likely fuelling problems or an injector issue. Yes, you could try an injector cleaner and give it an "Italian tune-up", i.e. Thrash it hard. Someone once said "Drive it like you stole it." That can blow the cobwebs out.

Check exhaust back pressure.

Check the timing.

Are you using the correct octane fuel?

Cleaning map sensor isn't always successful. Ideally have a diagnostic check run even a faulty ego sensor can affect mapping and power etc. Any decent garage or certainly a main dealer. Ought to be able to pinpoint exactly what is going wrong but bear in mind we may have more than one issue. So far you have carried out correct changes to try and ensure decent engine operation but this fault needs deeper investigation.