Feminists: So if a group of MRAS started saying #KillAllWomen and #AllWomenAretrash. Would that be misogyny?
Even if they said it was a hyperbole joke and just a prank? Would that magically make it not misogynistic.
You should get what I'm hinting at feminists. *Cough* Clementine Ford *Cough*
Yes, that does sound quite vile. And contrary to their views as well.
If it were a joke, one might expect it to be somehow humourous. But no.
Um, no sh*t?
"Feminists: So if a group of MRAS started saying #KillAllWomen and #AllWomenAretrash. Would that be misogyny?"
Feminists don't want to go on the record and call out other feminists. I don't know why, but this seems way too consistent with feminist behaviour. We're talking over 45 years of this same nonsense now.
This is why the radicals now run the show, and define feminism for everyone who has two eyes and two ears. We can see and hear what feminism is… And it isn't "equality". I don't care what the dictionary says. Feminism is what feminism does and not how Merriam-Webster defines it in his book.
I'll never understand why so many self-proclaimed feminists will always show up to defend feminism by giving us the dictionary definition of feminism whenever someone bring up bad prominent feminist actions. The real problem is that these self-proclaimed feminists expect us to adhere to their dictionary definition while they NEVER hold their radical feminist sisters to that same definition. Why aren't they challenging the man-haters?
Never a call out or any type of challenge to misandry being promoted as feminism by prominent feminists. But quick demands that we adhere to the egalitarian dictionary definition at all times in any discussion on feminism. Sorry… But NO!
IDGAF cause AllWomenAreTrash
- Why have feminists (who chirp, Feminism is for men, too! ) not condemned Clemintine Ford's call for androcide? https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/06/30/feminist-author-have-you-killed-any-men-today-and-if-not-why-not/
- If feminists are so concerned with men treating women badly and raping them, how come they support Islam? In Saudi Arabia, women must wear black polyester in the hot sun all day and must obey their husbands otherwise they can be beaten in public. Except, feminists never say anything about this even though that is 12,000x worse than anything that is happening in the US. How is the President having a private conversation or Christine Ford making up fairytales somehow more important than governments sending women to death for not listening to their husbands?
- Gender Studies: What was the actual point of the #KillAllMen twitter trend by feminists a few years back? Good ol clementine ford and he hatred for men huh? What did the whole twitter trend achieve other than making feminism look like what it is often labelled as. Man hating? If you don't want feminism to be looked at as hating men, then wouldn't feminists avoid doing amd saying such things?
- Can you imagine how Americans would react if the German Ambassador in Washington started tweet-ordering around Ford, IBM, etc, telling? Them where they could not do business? That's what our Ambassador is doing to the Germans. And they will react with the contempt this deserves.