FBI is refusing to interview Dr. Ford as part of the Kavanaugh investigation. What kind of banana republic is Trump running here?

FBI is refusing to interview Dr. Ford as part of the Kavanaugh investigation. What kind of banana republic is Trump running here?

That is one many trump restrictions imposed on the FBI. Trump has lied again.

She had her say at the Senate or were you drunk

She was already interviewed and a legal expert already released their findings. Cry more.

She was already interviewed before the whole country genius. She offered no details. NEXT!

Why? Do you think her story might change again?

Trump stopped the investigation because he knows Kavanaugh is guilty. No problem, dems win in November and Kavanaugh is removed from the court early next year.

Orange Reich.

Uh… She already testified and was questioned under oath.

Got a link to this info, or is all coming from your but?