What would've happened if the FBI did a full investigation on Kavanaugh/Ford?

Regardless of the background check limitation Trump placed on them. You knew it was going to be a scam when they had no objection to, and jumped at taking, the Jeff Flake offer. They couldn't accept it quick enough, without one argument or wigged out rant.

Now the question is, "which Democrat is going to leak cherry picked parts of the FBI report to the liberal media for propaganda purposes to influence their useful idiots?"

Liberals demanded that the FBI investigate, they did, live with their results.

When we cut through all of the Bullspit we discover that the Right's real goal is to bring a Fundamentalist Right Wing Theocracy back to America
Putting Brett Kavanaugh on the Court is another step in achieving that goal

There was no limitation - there was an extension for a week which the FBI actually did in a day because Kavanaugh is the most investigated candidate ever. And qualified.

They did do a full investigation on Kavanaugh/Ford, sounds to me like you have been believing the lies of the un-American communist leftist leaders again.