How to change a waterpump on a 1993 ford f150?

How to change a waterpump on a 1993 ford f150?

Google it. I see many results there for your question title. Videos too.

The pump is held on by sum bolts and water hose clamps. Its so simple to replace.How to change a waterpump on a 1993 ford f150 - 1

Use a 3/8" impact for those stud bolts and the skinny headed bolts
because electrolosys may have you at the wrecking yard looking.
They are also available within a day or so from Ford parts.
The fan clutch thread direction can be critical but hard to determine. Be sure you told parts everything so you get the right one, and look at the threads on it.
If yours does not thread onto the pumpshaft then it's easier.
Use non acid cure silicone to reduce electrolytic corrosion.
like, "the right stuff"
Ask for H.O.A.T. Coolant, and a good brand of thermostat.
If you don't know what i'm talking about, get a tech to help you.

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