Ford steps up to support NFL players protesting police brutality. Will we start seeing Trumptards light those F150's on fire soon?

The Canadian tariffs will hit them soon enough.

Now all the rednecks are going to set fire to their pickups.

By an odd coincidence, ford has a fire hazard recall on several million F - 150 pick up trucks.

Liberal "males" are gay

It's not just Ford and Nike. Several companies have expressed disagreement w/ how trump divided the country on this issue.

Before cons decide to take their anger out on Budweiser, they can just give me the beer and I'll applaud them for sticking to their guns.

Says Ford respects freedom of expression, We all do that… Just also respect the Men and Women who died securing it… There are other ways to express

They won't have to… According to the latest recall on F-150s, they catch on fire all by themselves.

Ford recalls 2 million F-150 trucks because of fire risk