Why ford explorer don't have dip stick transmission?

I dispappoint 2002 ford exploere remove dip stick. I know why Ford company wants people bring car to shop so Ford need people pay money computer. I trust myself see dipstick transmission tell light and dark color more safe. I trust dipstick better than without

Unlike engine oil, Transmission oil don't burn away. If there's any leak you will know. Other wise you need to check oil quality not level.

I wouldn't trust anyone that can't make a complete sentence to work on my car!

Then by all means, crawl under the car, open up the fill plug and stick your finger in to check the color. They didn't put a dipstick on there because, unless there's a leak, there's no need to check it. If you want to change it, drain and refill.

Sorry to dispappoint you many ne vehcles kome wth sealed transmissions, your exploere being one of thum.

The thinking is that if the transmission does not leak there's nowhere for the transmission fluid to disappear to. Just follow the recommended transmission fluid changes outline in your service manual and the transmission will last the life of the vehicle.

Most cars don't have a dipstick on the transmission.

Try using adverbs and pronouns in your writing.

But to answer your question… Because the engineers didn't design it that way.

You really should be more disappointed in your English teacher; it would seem that he or she did you no favors.