05 explorer clicks but won't start?
Bought a brand new battery and starter. Car still won't turn on. Engine doesn't even try to turn over. All the electrical things inside the car still work, had the battery tested and replaced the starter with a brand new one. Still nothing. Checked the fuses, and checked the cable connections. Turn the key to on and it clicks. Ideas? Calling ford tomorrow, just looking for things to check today.
May need to replace your battery. Can you Please answer my question
Get a breaker bar with the appropriate socket and get on the crank balancer and try to turn the engine. If not the engine is seized. Hope that is not it.
What type of battery test did you have on the new one? A voltage test is worthless. A battery load test to see what the reserve amperage capacity is best.
Did you inspect every inch of both battery cables for any lumps or bumps under the outer insulation? Lumps or bumps are a sign of high electrical resistance. If there are any the cable should be replaced.
Where did you buy the starter? If it came from a box store no wonder the starter solenoid ans starter drive (Bendix) are not operating properly. A trusted private mechanic can do an inexpensive starter amperage draw test.
- 99 ford ranger clicks once, but won't start what could be wrong? The truck was running fine, but the day before yesterday it wouldn't start. All the lights and stereo come on so its not the battery. When you turn the key it clicks once but doesn't start. All the plugs are new and the belts, and the transmission is new too.
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- 2001 Ford Ranger clicks once then won't turn over, and when key is turned off, it begins making a clicking relay noise under the dash? - 1 I've had this happen before, and the last couple times I just undid the battery and put it back in and it started right up. The battery has a charge, the alternator is new, and I tried jumping the battery just in case. So I know it's not that. I'm thinking it could be something in the ignition switch because sometimes I have to lift up on the shifter knob for it to register that it's in park and turn over. Any ideas?
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