My steering wheel is getting hard to turn om my 2009 ford escape. What can it be?

My steering wheel is getting hard to turn om my 2009 ford escape. What can it be? - 1

Low on power steering fluid, loose belt, bad steering gear, worn front end components or low tire pressure.

There's a recall on the power steering system. Call Ford and verify it applies to your particular Escape and make an appointment to have the system reprogrammed.

Anonymous has given overall best spread of answer though do check if our car i s subject to a recall as Flag suggested. Assuming low fluid level would be first check you do anyway. Belt tension is often overlooked or owners do not know how to check tension. Would need to be very low tire pressures to have effect we now seeing so unlikely but worth checking. If we have badly worn steering components or partially seized? These need attending to as soon as possible for safety reasons alone.

Hi so the power steering needs some maintenance.

Let me put this in words that are so simple that even YOU should be able to understand…

Your car is BROKEN. Get it fixed!

Go see a mechanic.

Power steering problem

Yeah something is wrong with your power steering

Power sterring fluid. But its better to see a mechanic

It may be your power steering pump is bad.