I was in a hit and run accident and i believe the police may have some civil liability. They failed to act?

A car bumped me causing me to lose control on a wet road and slam into a fence causing me injury and about 4,000$ worth of damage to my vehicle. I immediately called 911 and reported the grey late model ford SUV. A police officer arrived at the scene less than 30 seconds after the accident had happened. And the first thing i told him was the description of the car and where it had gone and how long ago. He acknowledged me and asked if i needed an ambulance. He got on his radio and i thought was looking for the other car. I later learned that the officer did nit believe i was in a hit and and run (even tho he wrote it on the report) and never called in the description or sent anyone to look just down the road. They certainly could have caught the other car had the officer taken me seriously. Now i'm liable for my own injuries and damages because the officer didn't do his job and look for the bad guy. He must have not really felt like it was worth his time or trouble and now its costing me a lot of time and trouble. Id LOVE to be able to sue the police department for this. What the hell do i pay taxes for?

YOU are not a police officer, and YOU are not qualified to make the judgement "they certainly could have caught the other car…"

Unlikely he arrived in "30 seconds". And even if he did, by the time he talked to you and took a report, it would have been at least 5-10 minutes, and the other party would have been LONG gone. What do you expect them to do, put out an "all points bulletin" for a car accident?

The failure to find the other driver did not cause the harm that occurred earlier. I wonder why you think that the cops are supposed to do the investigation that you want.