Does Ford own Hyundai?

Does Ford own Hyundai?

Does Ford and Hyundai work together in Lakeland

No Hyundai owns Kia and it is actually called Hyundai Motor Group. They also own Genesis, which I have never heard of up until now.

There's no financial interconnection between those two companies. They did collaborate on the design of specific models, however.

NO. The first car that Hyundai built was sold by Ford (in the 60s), but Ford has never had any ownership stake in Hyundai. Ford has had some ownership and partnership with Kia and Mazda, but no longer. Hyundai now actually owns a large stake in Kia.

Ford has no relationship with Hyundai and never have.


Cars like the Ford Festive (late 80's -early 90's ) and it's predecessor, the Ford Aspire were made by Kia until 1996. Hyundai bought Kia shortly afterwards. As for David B's comment, the Genesis started out as a model for the Hyundai brand. When Hyundai bought Kia, the goal was to make the Hyundai the more upscale brand, and Kia the lesser brand. That didn't work out well for Hyundai, so recently, they made the Genesis model it's own line. That is how we have the Genesis brand now. It is supposed to be to Hyundai, what Lexus is to Toyota or Acura is to Honda.

Mary, Ford doesn't have any relationship with Hyundai at the company level but it might be that in Lakeland your local Ford dealer and Hyundai dealer are owned by the same owner. It's very common for different brand dealerships to be owned by the same owner or group in a local area.

No. Lookit

No. Ford owns Lincoln, and a small part of Mazda. Hyundai Motor Group owns Genesis, and most of Kia.