Does Christine Blasey-Ford really get a million dollars from GoFundMe for committing perjury?

Does Christine Blasey-Ford really get a million dollars from GoFundMe for committing perjury?

If they want to be reputable they should suspend the campaign and payout nothing.

The million dollars should be given to her, since apparently thousands of people were dumb enough to fall for her story and actually give her money.

I bet a lot of people regret their donations now. She was getting paid because she was going to provide cover to delay the appointment of a new SCOTUS justice until after the Dems had the power to ensure the court remained incomplete until the Dems got back in the White House.

Seriously, that was their plan… Years and years and years of an 8 Judge SCOTUS.

That money should go to Kavanaugh to begin to make up for the horror she put him through

She didn't commit perjury. The new justice did. 20+ times.

No. Ford passed a lie detector test. Kavanaugh was too afraid to take one. You don't seem to understand this was a "he said/she said" which comes down to credibility. One person volunteered to show she wasn't lying, answered clearly, and did not perjure herself. The other person tried to evade questions, rephrase them, and put on a good show of indignation (embarrassing himself enough to have to apologize later) rather than simply answering questions put to hime with "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth".

According to Snopes, Ford's GoFund Me page raised over $540,000 (not "a million".) However, Kavanaugh also had a GoFund Me page which has raised over $600,000 for him.

But if your point is that at least one of these people made hundreds of thousands of dollars after lying, I suppose you are correct. But another question is, who had more to lose by telling the truth?


NO she had her money SPENT on LEGAL

Ford had multiple 'fund me' accounts. According to her testimony she did not know how to look at them. I smell a rat.

Ford never gave ONE comment that was provable. Judge Kavanaugh gave a whole testimony that was provable. She should be ashamed of being in this mess, especially considering that she already lives in one of the most prominent areas in her section of California. She did not NEED the money. She was just another Democrat seeking to destroy a Republican judge. Thank goodness THIS judge fought back and Lindsey Graham got a backbone!

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