Does Christine Blasey Ford probably have Brett Kavanaugh confused with another individual?

She's accusing him of underage drinking!

Yes she was drunk and still is a drunk

It was so long ago, why does it matter now?

She would have more credibility if she could say where and when it took place…


Who knows? There's certainly enough ambiguity to throw serious doubts on the veracity of her claims.

She doesn't know where or when it took place. She doesn't know if it was 2 or 4 guys. She doesn't know anyone who can corroborate her story.

For a woman with a PhD, she doesn't seem to know much at all.

I don't think it ever even happened. I don't buy the whole "repressed memory" thing. I think "pulling up" repressed memories in counseling is a very easy way to remember things that never occurred.

Maybe. There are lots of prep school boys who like to drink and assault women.

She isn't credible

Kavanaugh's buddy at the time said that was their MO, to get drunk and molest girls. I'm expecting other women he molested to come forward.

She has been crystal clear that she can't remember where she was, when it happened, who else may have been there or the circumstances before or after. All she claims to know is that Kavanaugh is bad.

Sounds to me like a perfectly creditable story.