Do Libs actually believe Feinstein's claim that she didn't leak Dr Ford's letter to the Washington Post?

Lol It seems they do

Who cares. Nobody believes you.

It seems your mind is made up. What does it matter what libs believe? Cons have their mind set regardless of the facts.

Ford leaked it, she's busted.

No, if she didn't do it personally she arranged for it to be done.

That doesn't absolve Kavanaugh. Why did he keep avoiding answering directly? He even rephrased questions to his liking so he could give his rehearsed answers. Her answers were direct, clear, non-evasive.

Yes. The letter would have come up if the fbi had done an investigation on Kavanaugh. They would not have investigated ford without an investigation on Kavanaugh first.

These people know the law and say things in the correct manner to deceive people. She hands it to a operative to give to the media and can then swear she did not give it to the media without lying.

They believe whatever they're told to believe by their handlers. They are the epitome of what it is to be an ideological lemming.

They should call her Frankenstein, she's so damn ugly and mean-looking! Does she ever smile?

Lindsey Graham believes her.